Thursday, September 2, 2010

Knitting Fun

After about 4 hours of me reading and practicing and swearing persevering, I GOT how to cast on.  Woohoo!  Such a small thing to some but huge for me.

Sophie watched off and on with baited breathe.  "Mom, got it yet?  No honey, not quite yet;"  And then it happened.  She heard the beautiful words to her ears.  "I got it!" Whew.   She was very excited for me to show her!   

She kept trying and trying with such determination. I was expecting her to get a little frustrated. (thinking back to myself of course)

Yay!! "I got it too!" And MUCH faster than me of course. :)

I did move to Step 2....actually a knit stitch too.  Next the purl stitch (I'm even learning the lingo).  Then on to making that first scarf.....

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I told Dawson today that I think we should take sewing classes because I want to learn to sew. He said he'd take sewing classes with me if I took skateboarding lessons with him. Um, never mind.
